The Customer Portal represents a new frontier of interaction between the supplier and the client, whose aim is to improve Intermek’s experiential purchasing process, expanding the level of services provided to the Customer, and introducing new features made possible by the digital technology in Industry 4.0.
The Customer Portal is not intended to substitute human relationship, which remains an essential vehicle in the development of a trusting customer-supplier relationship, but complements it, giving the Customer a view of the supplier company activities never obtained before.
One of the fundamental purposes of the Customer Portal is to provide the Client with a real-time (24/7) view of the status of its orders, in such a way that he can always count on reliable data whenever it is required.
In addition to this functionality, the Customer Portal allows you to regulate the exchange between the parts of documents in digital format accompanying the order (drawings, specifications, notes), in such a way as to keep the exchanged documentation consistently aligned with the latest release.
By doing so, not only can all the most updated documents always be found in a single organized repository, but also directly accessible are all those that belong to the history of the order in progress and of all those prior.
The shared archive of all the exchanged documentation is also available for all the requests for offers and the processed offers, according to the same settings defined for the orders.